We are pleased to welcome you to our website. Here you can find out what makes us stand out as an employer, what values we work by, and how our colleagues in Switzerland benefit.
Shaping the future innovatively, actively and sustainably.
We believe that collaboration works best when everyone involved can act in a self-determined manner. That's why personal responsibility is a central value for us that activates our development potential anew every day.
Campana & Schott offers the opportunity to take on responsibility from the very beginning.
Of course, this means jumping in at the deep end from time to time - but everyone involved is rewarded with steep learning curves and an extraordinary sense of achievement. Because we value the sense of responsibility of our teams, we reward the contributions of our employees accordingly. With clearly defined bonuses that are based on the success of the company, team performance and individual commitment. Regardless of whether it's a matter of internal processes or projects with customers.
The relaxed atmosphere in our offices and our professional appearance with our customers are not contradictory - they are two sides of the same coin. Together, we take responsibility for continuous innovation and create a climate that is always ready for new impulses.