
The digital workplace at Transgourmet: more than just technology

Getting hybrid work up and running for 10,000 employees in three countries in just a short time – that was the complex task facing Transgourmet during the pandemic.

The company’s existing on-premises infrastructure was no longer up to the job. It urgently needed to craft a solution that would allow for modern collaboration in terms of communications, processes, scalability, and security.

Campana & Schott supported Transgourmet in the transition to a modern digital workplace. The transformation went beyond merely introducing new technologies. The company wanted its IT structure to take on the role of a business enabler, for one thing. For another, Transgourmet wanted to involve the various corporate units and employees on a targeted basis so the digital workplace would become a firmly established part of life at the company. This meant the project was about more than just technical change, instead also encompassing the necessary cultural change and shifts in working styles and methods.

Step by step to success

Campana & Schott proceeded in stages. As the first step, the firm worked with Transgourmet to draw up a strategy for the digital workplace. The experts zeroed in on which applications could be shifted to the cloud and what parts of Transgourmet’s own infrastructure could be replaced. The suitable concept consisted of multiple sub-solutions.

Video: project insight

What were the project and the suitable solution like in detail? What challenges needed to be overcome? Learn more in this video:

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Philipp Eichholz

Senior Account Executive

Daniel Hoch-Kraft

Head of Content & Collaboration